Brew the Perfect coffee with V60 Dripper: Sip Back and RelAx

Hello coffee lovers! So, you've decided to take a plunge into the world of pour-over coffee, huh? That's fantastic!

V60 Dripper, originating from Japan, has gained popularity worldwide due to its ability to produce a clean, bright cup of coffee. It's a favorite among coffee enthusiasts and baristas alike, and with a little practice, you can master it at home too! The V60 Dripper brewing technique is all about precision and control, allowing you to extract the most flavor from your coffee beans.

But before we dive in, let's take a moment to appreciate this little piece of genius.

the V60 Dripper

As part 1 of our Perfect Your Brew series, we’re diving into the wonderful world of V60 Drippers. With its unique design and precise brewing method, it’s going to unlock a whole new world of coffee goodness. But only if you know exactly how to brew them. Just like any recipe, follow the steps and it’s simple.

Within this quick 5-minute read, we’re giving you all the steps on how to make a perfect cup of coffee with a V60 dripper.

Ready to start: Here's Our Go-To V60 Dripper.

Before you start crafting your perfect cup with the Hario V60, make sure you've got all your gear lined up.

Brew Like a Pro: The V60 Dripper Checklist

  1. Hario V60 Dripper

    This is the coffee world’s go-to pour-over device, the star of the show. It's the key to unlocking the full potential of your coffee beans. V60 Drippers come in all styles and sizes. As you get more advanced, there are even locking V60 Drippers you can explore.

  2. Grinder or Medium-Fine Ground Coffee

    Choose your favorite beans and grind them to a medium-fine consistency. The grounds should feel a little more grounded than the sand at the beach. This ensures optimal extraction and a well-balanced cup of coffee. You’ll know if your grinds are too fine if the pour takes over 4 minutes to d or too coarse if they take under 3 minutes to brew.

  3. 8 ounces or 1 cup Water

    Make sure you have enough hot water to brew your coffee. It's the essential ingredient that brings everything together. It’s always better to use filtered water throughout any pour.

  4. Paper Filter

    Don't forget to grab a paper filter! It keeps your brew clean and free from any unwanted particles. Using hot water, give the paper a quick rinse. As you get more comfortable with your V60 dripper, you can always look into reusable metal filters as a nice cost-cutting alternative.

  5. Timer

    Time is of the essence when it comes to brewing coffee. Use a timer to keep track of each step and achieve consistent results. You can use any watch or clock at home, or if you’re tracking the weight of the pour like a real pro, you’ll likely have a timer feature on your scale.

  6. Kettle

    A trusty kettle is a must-have for precise pouring. It helps control the flow of water, ensuring even saturation of the coffee grounds. What you’ll ideally want is a gooseneck kettle. This will help you with your precision as you try to evenly distribute the hot water across the grounds.

  7. Mug

    Finally, don't forget a vessel to hold your freshly brewed coffee. Whether it's a favorite mug or a stylish carafe, choose something that brings you joy. Don’t take life so seriously, there’s no place for that here.

This will whip up one serving of some seriously good coffee. If you're brewing for a crowd (or just really need that caffeine hit), just increase the coffee and water amounts.

how to brew


how to brew 〰️


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  1. First things first, bring your water to a slight boil. Not too hot, not too cold, just right.

  2. Next, rinse your paper filter in the dripper. This gets rid of any paper taste that might sneak into your brew. Then bid farewell to that rinse water.

  3. Now, it's time to get those grounds into the filter. It's like tucking them into their cozy little bed.

  4. Start your timer and get ready for the magic. You're going to pour your hot water in clockwise spirals, starting from the inside and working your way out. This is what we call the Bloom. It's like waking up the coffee, getting it ready to give you all its flavor.

  5. After 30 seconds, it's time to pour the rest of your water. Keep up those clockwise spirals. It's like a coffee whirlpool!

  6. Wait another 30 seconds, then pour the remaining water in those same spirals. You're almost there!

  7. After about 2 to 2 1/2 minutes from when you started pouring, remove the filter and coffee grounds. And voila! You've got yourself a cup of coffee that's going to make your taste buds do a happy dance.

You might be wondering, why all these steps? Let me break it down for you:

The Bloom

This is all about letting the coffee gases escape. It's like a coffee yawn, releasing all the sleepiness and getting ready for the day. Plus, it allows the water to fully saturate the grounds, leading to a more even extraction.

The Spiral Pour

Those clockwise spirals aren't just for show. They ensure all the coffee gets an even soak, so you get all the flavor goodness. It's like giving your coffee a nice, relaxing bath.

The Timing

The total brew time should be between 2 and 2 1/2 minutes. This is the sweet spot for extracting all the delicious flavors without your coffee tasting bitter or sour. It's like the Goldilocks of brew times - not too long, not too short, but just right.

And there you have it, my friend! You've officially leveled up as a V60 Dripper brewing expert. It's time to rock the coffee world with your amazing skills. And remember, practice makes perfect. The more you brew, the better you'll get at nailing that perfect cup every time.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely! Just make sure it's in the medium-fine range for optimal flavor vibes.

  • Yup, rinsing removes any paper taste and preps the filter for the coffee spectacle.

  • Not at all! It's basically the DJ of coffee makers – easy to get the hang of, and you'll be dropping beats in no time.

  • It's all in the swirl! The design gives you total control for a flavor symphony in your cup.

  • Fresh is best! Swap it out after each brew for that clean, untainted taste.


For the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home—4 unbeaten brew methods